
Tahun 2011 adalah tahun Kelinci Logam yang mau keluar dari lobang persembunyiannya. Maka diramalkan bahwa bisnis yang akan maju di tahun 2011 adalah bisnis yang terkait dengan logam dan api, seperti bisnis emas, bisnis elektronik, ponsel, bisnis otomotif, bisnis industri kreatif, internet, bisnis online, eCommerce dan lain-lain.

Selain dari pada itu, pada tahun 2011 diramalkan pula bisnis yang akan menjamur adalah bisnis makanan dan minuman, karena dimasak pakai api. Ini juga dapat dikaitkan dengan jumlah penduduk Indonesia yang mencapai 240-juta orang, yang membutuhkan makanan dan minuman dalam jumlah besar tiap hari.

Namun karena si Kelinci itu masih ada didepan lobangnya, artinya bisnis pada tahun 2011 itu harus dijalankan dengan hati-hati, ibarat kelinci yang akan meninggalkan lobang persembunyiannya, ia harus berhati-hati terhadap berbagai ancaman dari luar lobang persembunyian.

Dengan makin banyaknya socila media yang ada di Internet, maka proses pencarian tenaga ahli melalui media ini menjadi semakin mudah. Social media itu antara lai adalah LinkedIn, AboutUs, dll.

Hal ini akan sangat membantu bagi para Top Executives yg dapat melakukan pencarian Tenaga2 Ahli yang mereka perlukan melalui dunia maya sebelum mereka melakukan interview secara langsung.

Ini sangat membantu menghemat energi dan biaya.
Silahkan ditanggapi dan agar disampaikan pengalaman masing-masing..

JAKARTA: Enam dari 25 penyelenggara jasa Internet (PJI) dinyatakan tidak lolos prakualifikasi proyek Internet perdesaan Desa Pinter.

“Mereka tidak lulus seleksi dokumen,” ujar Gatot S. Dewa Broto, Kepala Pusat Informasi Depkominfo, kepada Bisnis kemarin.

Keenam perusahaan itu adalah PT Cyber Network Indonesia (Mitra), PT Inet Global Indo, PT Nettocyber Indonesia, PT Sejahtera Globalindo, PT Total Info Kharisma, dan PT Core Mediatech.

Gatoto menambahkan ada tiga perusahaan yang dikurangi jumlah paket incarannya karena tidak lulus di paket wilayah tertentu.

“Seperti PT Indointernet yang semula berencana menawar di semua paket berkurang menjadi enam paket saja,” katanya.

Departemen Komunikasi dan Informatika (Depkominfo) melalui Balai Telekomunikasi dan Informatika Perdesaan (BTIP) Ditjen Postel membagi pengerjaan proyek Desa Pinter dari dana Universal Service Obligation (USO) menjadi 11 paket pekerjaan.

Ada tiga paket favorit peserta, yaitu paket 4 Jawa Barat dan Banten dengan pagu anggaran tahun pertama Rp41,5 miliar, paket 5 Jawa Tengan dan Yogyakarta dengan pagu senilai Rp35,6 miliar, serta paket 7 Bali, Nusa Tenggara Barat dan Nusa Tenggara Timur dengan pagu senilai Rp27,9 miliar.

Sebanyak enam perusahaan dinyatakan tidak lulus mengikuti paket 4, sementara empat perusahaan tidak lulus prakualifikasi di paket 5 dan paket 7.

PT Telkomsel dan PT Indonesia Comnet Plus, yang mendaftarkan diri juga sebagai calon peserta, diketahui telah memenangi hak kontrak sebagai penyedia program USO untuk akses telekomunikasi bagi 31.824 desa atau disebut Desa Berdering. Kedua perusahaan tersebut dinyatakan lulus prakualifikasi di seluruh paket.

Penggunaan Software Sumber Terbuka (Open Source)

Terkait dengan spesifikasi terminal komputer pada proyek Desa Pinter, Depkominfo tidak mewajibkan para pemenang tender untuk menggunakan peranti komputer dengan kandungan konten lokal dan berbasis sistem operasi open source.

Gatot menjelaskan dalam aturan mengenai tender menggunakan dana universal service obligation (USO) yang ditetapkan tidak ada kewajiban tersebut, pengadaan perangkat operasional bergantung pada pemenang tender di setiap paket.

“Kami mewajibkan pemenang menyediakan komputer lengkap minimal satu unit di setiap desa ibu kota kecamatan, tetapi dari siapa vendor dan bagaimana sistem pengadaannya diserahkan kepada pemenang tender,” ujarnya.

Dia menjelaskan besar kemungkinan merek komputer maupun peranti lunak yang ada di dalamnya setiap paket berbeda. Selain itu, para pemenang juga bisa mengadakan peralatan tersebut menggunakan sistem tender atau penunjukan langsung.

Hal ini sedikit bertentangan dengan pernyataan Menkominfo Tifatul Sembiring dalam acara Global Conference Open Source (GCOS) di Jakarta pekan lalu yang berjanji mendorong penggunaan open source di masyarakat. (fita.indah@bisnis.co.id)

Namun dari hasil pembicaraan kami dengan Bapak Santoso Serad, Kepala BTIP Ditjen POSTEL, dijelaskan oleh beliau bahwa untuk pengadaan haedware Komputer diperlukan jaminan dari fabrikan/vendor serta jaminan pemeliharaan selama 4-tahun, sedangkan untuk pengadaan Perangkat Lunak, maka diperlukan Perangkat Lunak yang LEGAL dan support dari Distributor Software serta jaminan pemeliharaan selama 4-tahun.

Menurut pemahaman kami, maka tiap Peserta Tender diperbolehkan untuk menggunakan Perangkat Lunak Sumber Terbuka (Open Source) sebab perangkat lunak jenis ini sudah dikenal sebagai Perangkat Lunak LEGAL berlisensi GPL (General Public License). Distributor atau Distro Perangkat Lunak Sumber Terbuka sudah banyak terdapat di Indonesia yang dibuat oleh anak-anak Bangsa, seperti IGOS Nusantara yang berbasis Distro Fedora dan dikemas kembali oleh Tim Kemetrian Negara  RISTEK, Distro turunan dari Ubuntu yang dikemas oleh para ahli software Indonesia dengan merek Blankon dan Ki Hajar, Distro turunan dari Mandriva dengan merek PC Linux OS dan PC Linux OS-3D (tampilan Desktop 3 Dimensi) yang berbahasa Indonesia dan dijamin BEBAS VIRUS!

Kesimpulannya, para Peserta Tender Internet Pedesaan Desa Pinter akan mendapatkan keunggulan kompetitif bilamana mereka memakai Distro Open Source buatan anak-anak Bangsa tersebut diatas karena mendapat support penuh dan dukungan pemeliharaan yang tak terbatas waktunya, sebab mereka semuanya berdomisil di Indonesia. Keuntungan lainnya adalah terbebas dari gangguan Virus yang biasa menyebar di Sistem Operasi Microsoft Windows, berbahasa Indonesia, tampilan Desktop yang bisa 3 Dimensi (bila dikehendaki), biaya yang kompetitif serta yang lebih penting lagi adalah tidak adanya DEVISA Nasional yang bocor ke Luar Negeri.

Kami harapkan pihat Depkominfo/Ditjen Postel/BTIP bersedia untuk mendukung kesimpulan kami tersebut diatas, sehngga para peserta Tender Internet Pedesaan Desa Pinter mendapat kepastian hukum untuk mengajukan proposal dengan menggunaan Perangkat Lunak Sumber Terbuka (Open Source).

Sebuah riset yang dilakukan oleh Periset CareerBuilder baru-baru ini terhadap 2.600 Manajer HRD tentang dampak penggunaan Jejaring Sosial Internet seperti Facebook, LinkedIn dan Twitter terhadap kemungkinan seseorang diterima atau tidak, telah menghasilkan kesimpulan-kesimpulan sebagai berikut:

1. Persentasi penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Manajer HRD:

  • 45% dari mereka melakukan penelitian Pelamar di Jejearing Sosial Internet
  • 63% data pelamar pekerjaan Teknologi Informasi yang diriset
  • 53% data pelamar pekerjaan Professional dan Bisnis yang diriset

2. Dampak keputusan yang diambil oleh Manajer HRD:

  • 35% pelamar gagal karena mem-posting konten yang negatif atau mengganggu, pornografi, dll
  • 53% Manajer HRD mempertimbangkan kembali keputusannya setelah meneliti data pelamar di Jejaring Sosial
  • 44% pelamar gagal karena tercatat suka minum alkohol dan mengkonsumsi narkoba
  • 35% pelamar gagal karena suka menjelek-jelekkan atasan atau perusahaan yang sebelumnya
  • 14% pelamar gagal karena suka pakai simbol emoticon ketika berkorespondensi

3. Dampak positif bagi pelamar yang sering pakai Jejaring Sosial Internet:

  • 14% pelamar yang diterima karena mem-posting hal-hal yang baik dan positif
  • 50% pelamar yang diterima karena positingnya cocok dengan pekerjaan yang dilamarnya
  • 39% pelamar yang diterima postingnya mendukung kualifikasi professionalnya
  • 38% pelamar yang diterima postingnya dianggap kreatif

Semoga informasi ini bermanfaat bagi kawan-kawan yang sering beraktivitas di Jejaring Sosial Internet.

Dengan sejumlah pengakses sebanyak 45 juta orang per-harinya, maka Twitter memiliki potensi besar layanan iklan melalui media ini. Manajemen Twitter dalam waktu dekat akan memulai layanan iklan di Twitter sebagai opsi terbarunya. Namun perlu diingat bahwa media Twitter memiliki banyak pelanggan yang tak dapat diduga sifatnya, sebab bisa saja posting mereka malah akan merugikan para pemasang iklan itu dengan tanggapan yang negatif terhadap iklan-iklan di Twitter.

Berita lengkapnya ad di bawah ini:

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Twitter, the fast-growing microblogging site now seeking ways to make money, expanded its terms for users on Thursday to allow advertisers to reach the Internet site’s more than 45 million monthly visitors.

Twitter, the two-year-old venture capital-backed company that lets people send an unlimited number of 140-character messages, is just now beginning to ramp up efforts to monetize, or gain revenue from, its popular site.

On Thursday, it revised its “terms of service” to specify that it may run ads.

“We leave the door open for advertising. We’d like to keep our options open, as we’ve said before,” founder Biz Stone wrote on Twitter’s official blog. blog.twitter.com/

Advertising revenue is the time-honored way for Web sites to generate revenue while remaining free for consumers.

Explosive growth in social networking is attracting interest: worldwide unique visitors to Twitter’s site reached 44.5 million in June, up 15-fold year-over-year, according to comScore.

Some analysts are skeptical that advertising will catch on in a meaningful way on social networks, arguing that companies are reluctant to juxtapose their brands with unpredictable, and potentially offensive, user-generated content.

Stone himself has said the company was wary of annoying its growing base of users by pummeling them with ads.

But other analysts point out that users of social networking websites tend to spend a lot of time on those sites, providing an attractive platform for advertisers to promote their brands — especially if preferences are tracked.

Twitter kept its new clause on advertising open-ended, and stressed it was subject to change.

“The services may include advertisements, which may be targeted to the content or information on the services, queries made through the services, or other information,” the terms read. “The types and extent of advertising by Twitter on the services are subject to change.”

“In consideration for Twitter granting you access to and use of the services, you agree that Twitter and its third-party providers and partners may place such advertising on the services….”

(Reporting by Edwin Chan; Editing by Gary Hill)

Microsoft delivers a Bing iPhone and Mac software development kit and makes the SDK available for download on the Microsoft CodePlex community development site.

Microsoft has delivered a Bing iPhone and Mac software development kit for download on its CodePlex community development site.

In an Aug. 27 blog post, Kristin Meldahl, a product manager at Microsoft, said Microsoft has released the Bing iPhone and Mac SDK as an open-source project under the MS-PL (Microsoft Public License). Bing is Microsoft’s Web search engine, referred to as a “decision engine” by the company. Meldahl wrote that the Bing iPhone and Mac SDK provides:

·  The ability to easily query Bing from within your Cocoa or Cocoa Touch application.
·   Perform both synchronous and asynchronous queries.

·   Search Bing for Web, Image, Video, News, and Phonebook results.

A description of the SDK on CodePlex said, “The Bing SDK for iPhone and Mac is a Cocoa Framework [that] enables Mac and iPhone developers to easily integrate Bing search results into their applications. The SDK was designed to remove the headache of manually having to parse XML or JSON [JavaScript Object Notation] in order to communicate with the Bing API.”

The new Bing iPhone and Mac solution is essentially an Objective-C/Cocoa wrapper for the Bing API that provides the potential to easily add dynamic search results to applications.

“We hope that you’ll be able to make some great Cocoa/iPhone apps that harness the power of Bing,” the blog post said, signed with the names of Tom Rudick, program manager intern for the Bing API, and Alessandro Catorcini, lead program manager for the Bing API. (source: eWeek)

Satu orang Amerika, Albert Gonzales dari Miami, Florida, USA dan dua orang Rusia yang belum ditemukan telah ditetapkan sebagai tersangka pencurian Identitas terbesar dalam sejarah dunia, dengan mencuri nomor-nomor kartu kredit melalui jaringan-jaringan Sistem Pembayaran Hartland, Princeton, NJ.; supermarket 7-Eleven.; supermarket regional Hannaford Brothers; dan dua lagi jaringan retailers AS.

Pencurian Identitas ini dilakukan oleh Gonzales, mantan Investigator Federal AS, menggunakan injeksi database SQL yang banyak digunakan di Server Web diseluruh dunia.

Oleh karena itu agar kita semua berhati-hati dalam melakukan transaksi elektronik melalui jaringan Internet, agar tidak dirugikan oleh para Penjahat Dunia Maya. Undang-undang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik No. 11/2008 (UU ITE) pada awalnya memang dibuat untuk melindung masyarakat Indonesia dari kejahatan transaksi elektronik di dunia maya seperti ini, dan bukan untuk urusan pencemaran nama baik seperti yang sedang diperkarakan antara Prita dan RS OMNI.

Berita lengkapnya dapat dibaca dibawah ini:

SAN FRANCISCO — The man who prosecutors said had masterminded some of the most brazen thefts of credit and debit card numbers in history was charged on Monday with an even larger set of digital break-ins.

In an indictment, the Justice Department said that Albert Gonzalez, 28, of Miami and two unnamed Russian conspirators made off with more than 130 million credit and debit card numbers from late 2006 to early 2008.

Prosecutors called it the largest case of computer crime and identity theft ever prosecuted. According to the government, the culprits infiltrated the computer networks of Heartland Payment Systems, a payment processor in Princeton, N.J.; 7-Eleven Inc.; Hannaford Brothers, a regional supermarket chain; and two unnamed national retailers.

An unspecified portion of the stolen credit and debit card numbers were then sold online, and some were used to make unauthorized purchases and withdrawals from banks, according to the indictment, which was filed in United States District Court in Newark.

Although some states require card issuers to notify customers about security breaches, it is unclear whether all individuals whose card numbers were stolen in this case have been notified and offered new account numbers.

Mr. Gonzalez has been in custody since May 2008, when he was arrested in connection with another prominent data theft at the Dave & Buster’s restaurant chain. He has also been indicted in other thefts of credit and debt cards, including the 2005 data breach at T. J. Maxx stores, a division of TJX, based in Framingham, Mass.

Mr. Gonzalez is awaiting a trial in New York in the Dave & Buster’s attack and, separately, another in Massachusetts in the TJX breach. Trials on the charges announced on Monday will have to wait until those cases are completed, federal prosecutors said.

Mr. Gonzalez’s lawyer, Rene Palomino Jr., did not respond to requests for comment.

Erez Liebermann, an assistant United States attorney in the Justice Department’s New Jersey office, said Mr. Gonzalez’s involvement in so many data breaches suggested that “perhaps the individuals capable of such conduct are a tighter-knit group than may have been previously thought.”

Mr. Gonzalez once worked with federal investigators. In 2003, after being arrested in New Jersey in a computer crime, he helped the Secret Service and federal prosecutors in New Jersey identify his former conspirators in the online underworld where credit and debit card numbers are stolen, bought and sold.

But Mr. Gonzalez secretly reconnected with his old associates, federal officials have said, and continued to ply his trade using a variety of online pseudonyms, including Segvec and Cumbajohnny.

According to the new indictment, Mr. Gonzalez and his conspirators reviewed lists of Fortune 500 companies to decide which corporations to take aim at and visited their stores to monitor which payment systems they used. The online attacks took advantage of flaws in the SQL programming language, which is commonly used for databases.

Prosecutors say the defendants created and placed “sniffer” programs on corporate networks; the programs intercepted credit card transactions in real time and transmitted the numbers to computers the defendants had leased in the United States, the Netherlands and Ukraine.

The conspirators tried to erase all digital footprints left by their attacks, according to the indictment.

Heartland, one of the world’s largest credit and debit card payment processing companies, announced in January that its network had been breached but declined to provide many details. The disclosure came during President Obama’s inauguration, which prompted critics to question whether the company was trying to play down the news.

Neither the Department of Justice nor the Secret Service would discuss the investigative breakthroughs in the case. Each defendant faces the possibility of 35 years in prison, and more than $1 million in fines or twice the amount made from the crime, whichever is greater.

Threat Level, a blog run by Wired magazine, reported that Mr. Gonzalez had lived a lavish lifestyle in Miami, once spending $75,000 on a birthday party for himself and complaining to friends that he had to manually count thousands of $20 bills when his counting machine broke.

Richard Wang, manager of SophosLabs, a security company, said the case provided more evidence that retailers and banks needed to strengthen industry standards and encrypt credit card numbers when they are transmitted between computers. Currently, major banks agree to encrypt such data only when it is stored.

Mr. Wang also doubted that the world had seen the last significant theft of credit card numbers.

“I’m not sure how likely it is that they are going to get the Russian co-conspirators,” Mr. Wang said. “Obviously there are still plenty of people with the necessary expertise to pull off these kinds of attacks.” (sumber: NYT)

Emoze : Layanan Push Email Gratis ( Blackberry Gratis )
Selama ini mungkin bagi sebagian pemilik handphone yang ingin    menerima dan mengirim   email     melalui handphone-nya harus melakukan setting POP3/IMAP dan SMTP pada perangkat mobile-nya   tersebut (baca : Cara Setting POP GMail pada Handphone).

Selain itu juga dapat menggunakan layanan push email pada perangkat mobile yang mendukung Sistem Blacberry. Namun untuk menggunakan layanan push email dengan perangkat mobile yang mendukung sistem Blackberry ini, diperlukan biaya yang tidak murah, baik untuk membayar layanan push email tersebut setiap bulan dan juga harus memiliki perangkat mobile sistem Blackberry.

Alternatif lain dari kedua cara di atas, adalah menggunakan software push email yang bernama EMOZE yang dapat digunakan secara gratis, yang di kalim oleh penyedia software ini mendukung lebih dari 800 jenis handphone dari  sekitar 45 merk yang menggunakan sistem operasi Symbian, UIQ, Java, Pocket PC, dan Smartphone.

Fungsi Software Emoze

  • Dengan push email yang dilakukan emoze, perangkat mobile/handphone yang kita miliki dapat dipaksa untuk menerima email seperti layaknya menggunakan perangkat Blackberry secara gratis, walaupun mungkin memiliki kekurangan dimana penerimaan email tidak real time seperti pada perangkat Blacberry, dan diperlukan selang waktu beberapa menit untuk sampai kepenerima.
  • Emoze menjamin bahwa sistem sinkronisasinya aman, karena pengiriman data yang terjadi  telah di enskripsi, tidak ada jejak cokies, tidak ada spyware dan tidak ada duplikasi data user pada server emoze atau server pihak ketiga.
  • Emoze mendukung sistem penarikan email yang populer saat ini, seperti POP3/IMAP, Microsoft Outlook dan Exchenge, Lotus Notes dan email berbasis web, pada semua jaringan internet seperti GSM, CDMA, WLAN, 2,5G, 3G, 3,5G.
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Cara Menggunakan Emoze

  • Download software Emoze dari handphone kealamat http://www.emoze.com, atau klik disini, otomatis akan masuk pada link untuk men-download ( walaupun mendukung banyak jenis handphone, namun apabila anda ragu apakah emoze mendukung type handphone yang digunakan, dapat dilakukan pengecekan terlebih dahulu pada situs http://www.emoze.com)
  • Langsung download dan Ikuti perintah untuk proses instalasi, sangat mudah dilakukan.
  • Setelah proses instalasi selesai -> lakukan beberapa setting pada handphone ->
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  • Klik icon Emoze -> pilih koneksi internet automatic atau manual ->
  • Pilih Email yang akan di push oleh Emoze -> terdapat 4 pilihan yaitu Push My office email,GMail,Yahoo! dan my home/other
  • Saya mencoba GMail klik select -> tempatkan email pada inbox, klik next ->
  • Abaikan menu pilihan upgrade (pilihan membeli lisensi 1 tahun dan enter license code) -> tidak perlu dipilih, klik exit ->
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  • Selesai -> Emoze telah aktif
  • Untuk melihat email -> cari pada folder messaging -> folder emoze (merupakan folder inbox email yang masuk)
  • Untuk mengirim email -> pada folder emoze klik option -> create message -> emoze email
  • Hal yang perlu diketahui adalah, setelah emoze aktif, konensi internet akan terus terkoneksi, dan kondisi ini akan menguras penggunaan battere, disarankan beberapa setting pada account ->
  • Kilk icon emoze -> pada menu emoze klik option/pilihan (berada dikiri bawah) -> pilih account -> pilih account yang berupa angka dengan status enable ->
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  • Untuk pengaturan lain -> terdapat pada menu setting dibawah menu account -> setting untuk Login, Connections, Rules dan Advance
  • Emoze tidak mendukung multi account, apabila kita memiliki beberapa account email dan ingin mengganti -> dapat dilakukan pada menu login -> gulung hingga kebawah -> klik OK pada bar Change Service Mode -> atau dapat juga dengan me-reset pada menu advande -> kemudian ulangi proses aktivasi account seperti pada saat awal.

Selamat menikmati push email ala Blackberry dengan gratis.

Tulisan Yang Berhubungan :

Setting POP GMail pada Handphone

Akses POP3 Yahoo.com dengan YPOPs Tool

Setting POP Yahoo!ID pada Outlook Express

Yahoo! Zimbra Desktop : Akses POP3 Yahoo! Mail

Setting POP GMail pada Mozilla Thunderbird

5 outstanding corporate blogs
By Chris Baggott

When contemplating this article, the first question I had to address was what exactly qualifies a corporate blog as being “outstanding.” To me, an outstanding corporate blogging program is one that accomplishes the clearly articulated goals of the organization.Under that lens, let’s take a look at five business blogs that fit this definition. GK from Elite Sportswear GK from Elite Sportswear, a widely recognized manufacturer of gymnastics apparel around the world, proudly sponsors many national and Olympic teams and has been an industry leader for more than 25 years. In 2008, the company turned to business blogging as a means of increasing organic search traffic and converting more business.Corporate blogging is a great marketing tool — but not one that should be launched lightly. Like other marketing initiatives, a company’s blog is an investment that should produce a measurable return. Thus, as I illustrated in an earlier iMedia article, much thought should be given to ways in which companies can enhance the value of these programs for both their consumers and their own bottom lines.

Last December, GK Elite launched 30 blogs with titles targeting specific keywords that the company knows its prospects are using to search. Long experienced with PPC, GK already had a handle on which keywords drive the highest conversions.

“Our website wasn’t appearing in blended search results for key and common phrases related to our business, but now our blogs are,” says Andrew Foss, ecommerce manager for GK Elite, which conducts about half of its sales online. Since launching, the blogs have increased GK’s revenue from organic search by 39 percent, and the net online revenue increase as a result of the blogs is 30 percent.

Carhartt: Tough Jobs

Carhartt’s Tough Jobs blog is a terrific example of a company that leveraged its customers to tell stories about its products in a way that the company itself never could. Many blogs fail to generate enough relevant content to help drive the traffic necessary for any kind of measurable success. But as a result of its UGC blog strategy, Carhartt’s blog does not suffer from this problem.

Most user-generated content efforts fail due to a “build-it-and-they-will-come” mentality. The result is usually disappointing volume compounded by the other issue of reviews getting buried deep in the site. For most businesses, prospects only see a review after they have navigated to a specific product.

Carhartt turned this status quo model upside down by soliciting customer feedback and creating a specific landing page for its “Tough Jobs” network of blogs. By asking customers to tell the company about their “tough jobs” and placing that content directly on its blogs, Carhartt puts its happy customers at the front of its online marketing efforts. Furthermore, this extra content drives significantly more search volume, which in turn earns Carhartt more customers… which, in turn, drives more content on Tough Jobs, and so on. In short, you see what makes this a great corporate blogging program.

Alerding Castor

Alerding Castor is a relatively small law firm with a narrow practice area but a broad vision. While most law firms focus on local geography, Alerding Castor is focused on specific issues, and client location is unimportant.

To succeed with this unusual yet highly profitable strategy, the firm needs to have a broad reach over literally thousands of keywords. Additionally, since clients are not used to consuming legal services long distance, the firm needs to not only show up in the prospects’ searches, but also be able to demonstrate credibility and establish the right to take the next step in determining if there is a fit.

“In our view, business blogging was the only answer,” says partner Dave Castor. “We knew that properly titled blogs are ideal for SEO, and we also knew that online, most of our competition would come from either directories or sites that may appear spammy to visitors. We also don’t need high volumes; we are looking for high-quality relationships.”

Alerding Castor has to walk the line between drawing a lot of qualified traffic while at the same time telling its story in such a way that it completely differentiates the firm from the online competition.

Having established a network of 50 blogs, the firm generates around 900 visits a month through search traffic and has successfully acquired several new clients from around the country. “Just this morning we commenced with a new client, a SaaS company in a Southern state who found us through a Google search on ‘SaaS law,'” Castor says. “One of our blogs with that title came up as No. 2 on the search.”


Roto-Rooter is North America’s largest provider of plumbing and drain services, with business locations serving approximately 90 percent of the U.S. population, one town at a time. Not one to be complacent with the changing marketing landscape, Roto-Rooter knew it had to adopt a creative strategy to increase its web presence, drive website traffic, and cement its position atop the industry. According to a recent Nielsen survey, 50 percent of consumers turn to search engines to find local businesses versus 24 percent who still use the Yellow Page books.

The challenges for a dispersed franchise organization like Roto-Rooter is that there are thousands of terms a potential customer might use (e.g., frozen pipes, leaky tub, kitchen plumbing) when searching, and those have to be multiplied by literally hundreds of geographies.

Paul Abrams, Roto-Rooter’s public relations manager, has been very pleased with the results of the company’s blogging strategy thus far, and attributes the success to the way blogging has humanized the company in the eyes of consumers. “No one would expect home improvement service industry professionals like plumbers to utilize Web 2.0 marketing techniques, and that’s exactly why we started blogging,” Abrams says. “Blogging has been an ideal way to differentiate ourselves from the thousands of other players in this market. The quick return on investment has far outweighed the expectations I had when starting our blogging program.”

Targeting between 25 to 50 blogs per geography, Roto-Rooter is achieving an ROI of about 135 percent. In addition to the SEO benefits, Roto-Rooter has further differentiated itself from the competition by blogging about the way its plumbing service professionals double as superheroes to rescue family pets, needy animals, and prized personal possessions for customers.

“One of the aspects I’ve enjoyed most about blogging is its ability to give Roto-Rooter a true personality,” Abrams adds. “We’ve blogged about everything from cats rescued from underground pipes to customers’ diamond anniversary rings that our technicians recovered from deep inside sewers. Blogging gives us a platform to showcase the lengths our service professionals will go to when customers need our help.”

HH Gregg

HH Gregg is one of the nation’s leading retailers of home appliances and consumer electronics, with more than 111 stores. In a competitive environment, HH Gregg competes by having a highly trained and professional sales staff, along with same-day delivery and low prices. HH Gregg also knows that much of its products are researched online before customers ever make a trip to the store.

According to Yahoo Research, 88 percent of sales revenue generated from online advertising is derived from consumers who have done their research on the internet, then made their purchase in a brick-and-mortar store. eMarketer says that as much as $500 billion in offline purchases were influenced by the internet in 2007. Meanwhile, BigResearch reports that 89 percent of consumers making in-store purchases in key categories have conducted research online.

Armed with this knowledge, HH Gregg has established several hundred blogs focused on both its products as well as its community involvement. Content is created through an intranet by the people closest to the products and the customers — the company’s employees. By winning search traffic over literally thousands of search terms with content that is specific to the query and written by smart, passionate employees, HH Gregg is in a position to be the educator when prospective customers are doing their product research.

All of these examples represent great corporate blogs because they were initiated with specific goals in mind. These organizations have all looked to leverage social media to help build their business in ways that are both human and mutually beneficial to both their clients and their companies.

Chris Baggott is co-founder and CEO of Compendium Blogware.

Raksasa Search Engine Google baru-baru ini mengumumkan bahwa pihaknya akan segera meluncurkan Sistem Operasi Komputer baru yang berbasis Browser Chrome yang sudah memiliki sejumlah 30-juta pengguna. Operating System baru ini akan dinamakan Chrome O.S. dan rencanya akan diluncurkan kepada pengguna pada semester-II tahun 2010, dimana akan mulai dipasang pada perangkat PC jinjing Netbook agar dapat beroperasi lebih cepat dalam mengakses Web dan juga proses booting yang lebih cepat

Sistem Operasi baru ini berbasis Kernel Linux dan berlisesnsi Open Source. Dengan demikian pengembangan selanjutnya akan didukung oleh Komunitas Open Source di seluruh dunia. Karena berlisensi Open Source, maka OS Chrome ini bebas didistribusikan tanpa biaya lisensi. Jadi ini akan menyaingi OS Microsoft Windows Vista, XP, maupun Windows 7 yang akan segera diluncurkan Microsoft.

Aplikasi-aplikasi diatas Chrome OS awalnya akan dibuat oleh Google, namun karena OS ini bersifat sumber terbuka, maka siapa saja bebas membuat aplikasi-aplikasi baru. Pada awalnya memang Chrome OS ini akan difokuskan untuk Netbook, namun nantinya juga akan dapat dipakai untuk PC dan Laptop biasa yang lebih besar, menggantikan Linux OS.

Khusus tentang hal yang terakhir diatas, Komunitas Open Source sedikit khawatir, bila Google Chrome OS ini akan dapat memecah perkembangan Linux OS, seperti Ubuntu, Fedora, Mandriva, OpenSUSE, dll.

Silahkan ditanggapi.